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Postpone Aging By Eating These Foods Regularly

The human body relies on nutrition to keep it at its best. Here are ten foods to add to your diet to help slow down aging and potentially add years to your life.

anti aging foods for seniors

Staying youthful can mean an effort that includes skin creams, cosmetic surgery, and strenuous exercise regimens. People spend endless hours in spas, learn how to do face yoga, and share social media hacks to keep their skin line-free and younger-looking. Millions of people invest time and money in the effort but fail to remember that health and vitality come from the inside. The human body loves senior fitness, but it relies on nutrition to keep it at its best. Here are ten foods to add to your diet to help slow down aging and potentially add years to your life.

  • #1. Blueberries - Blueberries offer one of the easiest ways to boost health. Sweet, juicy, and endlessly versatile, blueberries have antioxidants for disease prevention and flavonoids known for extending lifespans. The small berries promote urinary tract health, boost digestion, and are exceptionally low in calories. One cup of blueberries contains one-quarter of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C. Consuming blueberries could help control joint inflammation, reduce the risk of many diseases, and help prevent osteoporosis.

  • #2. Beans - Beans are a low-cost health option for budget-conscious individuals. Fiber-rich beans keep blood sugar regulated, reduce the risk of many diseases, and may aid weight loss. Beans can help keep skin and digestive systems healthy. The variety of healthy beans available makes it easy for people to find something that appeals to them.

  • #3. Leafy greens - Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and collards have many health-related benefits. Leafy greens have vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to improve bone health, promote healthier pregnancies, and protect against some forms of cancers. One of the best anti-aging benefits of greens is that they may slow cognitive decline. Research showed that people who consume 1.5 servings of leafy greens a day experienced brain health of 11 years younger than their chronological age.

  • #4. Dark chocolate - Dark chocolate allows people to feel indulged and enjoy a health boost. The heart health benefits of dark chocolate come from the increased blood flow from the flavanols in cocoa. Better blood flow also aids in cognition by providing adequate fresh oxygen to the brain. Dark chocolate also provides fiber, helps reduce the risk of disease with antioxidants, and may provide some improvement for those with depression.

  • #5. Hot peppers - Regularly consuming spicy foods can help boost metabolism thanks to the capsaicin in the peppers. A Chinese study showed an increased lifespan in those who at spicy foods 3-5 days a week. Hot peppers can reduce inflammation in the body, a health concern that can raise the risk of cancer and heart disease.

  • #6. Beets - Beets detoxify the body by helping cleanse the liver, thin bile, and boost digestion. Adding beets to a diet will provide Vitamins C and B6, iron, magnesium, and other nutrients. Beets help improve stamina, increase cognition, and may help prevent the formation of gallstones. It is even possible to gain a mood boost because of the serotonin they contain.

  • #7. Salmon - Omega-3 fatty acids boost brain health, reduce cancer risk, and fight inflammation. Omega-3s also strengthen bones, lower blood pressure, and improve skin health. Salmon offers plenty of omega-3s that may allow people to have better health and potentially longer life.

  • #8. Yogurt - Digestive health has an enormous effect on the rest of the body. Probiotics in yogurt boost digestive health to help reduce inflammation. Yogurt also contains protein for faster healing and building stronger muscles. It also has calcium for stronger bones.

  • #9. Broccoli - Broccoli has only 25 calories per cup, making it easy to fill up while keeping calorie counts low. One serving of broccoli provides more than a full day's amount of Vitamin C and K, speeds up metabolism, and boosts mood and memory thanks to folate. Also within the small stalks are magnesium, iron, calcium, and a variety of additional minerals and vitamins. Broccoli also contains omega-3 fatty acids for better circulation and protection from inflammation. Reduced risks of cancer and heart disease, better eye health, and healthier skin are also possible from consuming broccoli. Chromium in broccoli can also regulate blood sugar and help lower blood pressure or keep it stabilized. Sulforaphane in broccoli aids with cognition, so the brain stays as youthful as the body.

  • #10. Barley - Look for hulled rather than pearled barley to get the full benefits of this grain. Hulled barley remains a whole grain and offers the most fiber of the two. The nutrition in barley also comes from the plant compounds known as phytonutrients. Consuming barley means gaining its immunity-boosting support and DNA repair. Adding barley to a diet could reduce the effects of aging and help to regulate hormones.

A diet free of processed foods, added sugar, and saturated fat can protect against disease and help people look and feel younger than their age. People who maintain a healthy diet could potentially add years to their life. No one can guarantee perfect health or a longer life, but choosing the right food makes it more likely.

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